I asked Nate to stay in the eye sight while I went inside to get the chicken for the barbeque. He was in the yard and just outside the window. In the one minute it took to walk inside, grab the bowl of marinating chicken and walk back outside he disappeared.
"Shit." I said as the heart started it's panic. We live in a very quiet neighborhood with plenty of space between the houses and little to no traffic except the neighbors. I wasn't much worried about an abduction, just the danger of two year old on the loose. As I set the chicken down I bumped against the patio table and triggered the panic button on the car key in my pocket. From the front of the house the car started wailing. I assumed Nate had gone around the other side of the house toward the front and so I went the other way to head him off. As I ran I pressed the off button, rounded the corner and discovered Nate had gone my way.
"There you are." He stood petrified in his tracks. He's never heard the car alarm before. He was terrified. Well, more shocked and a little scared.
"Daddy?" He asked wide eyed, lip ready to tremble. I thought to console him, but it was to good an opportunity to build the all knowing, all seeing daddy myth.
I said in gentle and sympathetic but cautionary daddy voice. "Yeah. I know. It's loud and scary. But, the car knows. Yeah. Remember, I asked you to stay in eye sight and you wandered off. The car was just letting me know you wandered away." He looked at me with total belief and bewilderment. His eyes said, "Holy crap. This guy is spooky good. He's got eyes everywhere. Not just in the back of his head. Dang. I better watch my step."
"Yes." I said confirming his belief by nodding my head.
"I go in-house." He asked with resignation to his new reality.
"Sure. We can go inside."
"Ok". He said and stretch up his arms so I could carry him. I did.
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