Nate and I sat on the sofa earlier. He wanted the "TV on. On. On."
I confess. I let him watch a lot of Sprout TV, as it does have some educational value. But, I was done with the morning work so had turned it off to spend deliberate time with him. I though he might like to build something with his toy blocks, but no. Instead he found some butterfly stickers in his mountain of toys in the corner near the sliding door. He brought them over and proceed to stick them on me, the dog and himself. He climbed on the sofa and stuck some butterflies on his naked feet.
"Do you want some socks? It's a little chilly this morning."
"No. Boo, boo." He said and stuck another sticker on his foot.
"There's no boo, boo. It's a butterfly."
"No. Boo, boo." He insisted as he peeled off another sticker, "One. Two. Free."
"Four, five, six." I said counting off the remaining stickers.
"Boo, boo." He said finishing off the job. His feet were polka-dotted with butterfly stickers.
"Ok. If you say so. Butterfly boos boos. Go show mom."
"Ok", he said and handed me the empty sheet of stickers and scampered away proud of his achievement.